From: Ewald Verhoog
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
As a Fundraiser, you’ve seen the ROI of most Fundraising channels decline, right?
So your Income from Direct Mail, Telemarketing, Events and Door2Door is stagnating.
But somehow it has not been possible to substitute these channels with more modern Fundraising methods. Despite all your efforts and passion, it seems hard to grow Online Fundraising at scale.
Probably, you have your website set up, a CRM system and other tools in place. You might have seen some very promising initial results.
But like all of us, you probably feel overwhelmed sometimes by the ever more nitty-gritty stuff that you need to take care of in this uncertain world. You see your staff losing energy because they have to put in ever more effort to reach the same results.
Do you sometimes even fear that you’re never going to reap the real rewards of digital fundraising?
My name is Ewald Verhoog. I’ve invested 20 years in the fieldwork for this ‘almost definitive book about Digital Fundraising’. And I’ve spent almost a year condensing it to the 200 pages that it is now.
Through relentless testing, I developed a method that helped numerous charities, big and small, to grow their income with 1% per week.
I’ve really learned everything from hardcore, no-BS, in the trenches experience. It all started with WSPA. With a very donor centric approach, we were able to make that organization grow from 2 to 7 million in 4 years.
We then surpassed that result by doubling the income of a Crowdfunding platform within 1 year (1,5% growth per week). Meanwhile, we were able to make organizations like Alzheimer Netherlands and Wakker Dier (animal rights for farm animals) grow
spectacularly as well.
Which lead us to believe that anyone could grow like them.
The reality however was that many other organizations failed to bring in results consistently. As I was obsessed to make it into work, I almost went bankrupt before finding out the 3 main things that make all the difference: